Trusted Water Heater Technicians

The Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater

As a local Columbus water heater installation business, people often ask us about tankless water heaters and what their appeal is. Tankless water heaters are much different from traditional water heaters in both size and function. Because of this, most homeowners are not very familiar with tankless water heater technology. Luckily, our team of water heater specialists is here to help.

At Only Water Heaters, we openly advocate for the installation of tankless water heaters. Not only are they more trustworthy and built to last longer than most traditional water heaters, but they are also designed to be much more energy efficient — saving you money in the long run.

But what tankless water heater benefits are leading homeowners everywhere to make the switch? Continue reading to find out.


Most homes currently have large drum water heaters installed in their basement or in a ground-level closet. If you currently have a traditional water heater installed in your home, you’ve likely noticed that they take up a ton of space — meaning that there is not much more that you can fit in your water heater closet other than a broom and a dustpan.

Tankless water heaters, however, take up little to no space. Because tankless water heaters only heat water when it is demanded by the turn of a knob in the sink or a shower, there is no need for a large stationary drum. Instead, the small water heater can be installed on the wall — leaving you more space for storage.

Flexible Fuel Types

In addition to being compact, tankless water heaters are also under increasing demand because of their compatibility with multiple fuel sources. Gas and electricity are still the two leading fuel sources for tankless water heaters, but there are currently tankless water heaters that can be powered using gas, electricity, geothermal energy, propane, and solar energy.

Because of this, how owners who are interested in having a new tankless water heater installed are not restricted by the type of fuel that they have inputs and outputs for in their home.

Energy Efficiency

The last benefit that drives homeowners to have a tankless water heater installed is the energy efficiency and savings that they can provide. In smaller households that use less than 41 gallons of water a day, a tankless water heater can be 24%–34% more efficient than a traditional tank water heater. When large amounts of water are used by a household each day, a tankless water heater might not be as efficient, but it will still be 8%–14% more efficient than a traditional water heater.

While it might not seem worth it to install a tankless water heater because of efficiency alone, it is important to think about the long-term saving that the unit will provide — savings that end up being pretty significant considering that a tankless water heater can last up to 20 years.


Call for Your Free Estimate Today!

Are you thinking about having a tankless water heater installed? If so, we urge you to get in touch with a member of our team today. As water heater installation specialists, we would be happy to tell you more about tankless water heaters and answer any questions that you might have. Contact us today to learn more.

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Not Sure What You're Looking For?

Take a look at our water heaters to find the one that fits your needs.


Tankless Water Heaters

Smaller units, less energy usage, and showers that can last forever.


Electric Water Heaters

Featuring a longer operational life than traditional systems.


Gas Water Heaters

Reduce your carbon footprint without reducing functionality.


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